Real Estate Portal Case Study

A real estate portal for scraping properties from third party real estate platform and importing clients then clients view the properties and select the property they like and manage the properties.

Technologies: Python, Django, API, Reactjs

Industry: Real Estate

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real estate portal


A control panel to manage the operation of Edify properties and workflows. Having a panel where we automatically search for properties that could fit for the client and we can mark if the client likes or dislikes that property. Here are the some challenges and features the owner wants:

  • Administrators can login or logout
  • We implement module to import clients using the hubspot API
  • Scrape properties from third property platform
  • Clients can add multiple projects
  • Filter the properties for each project
  • It will be multilanguage and multi currency panel
  • To get data in pdf and CSV weekly and daily basis

Implementation Plan About Real Estate Portal

Our team did deep research on real estate control panel related to your real estate business we develop the full prototype and implement the design how the product look like. If the clients approve all features and design then we develop the portal.

These are some solutions that we deliver:

Solutions About Edify Real Estate Portal

  • Our team implemented the list of Edify open projects, projects can be in draft, in progress, closed or finished. A Project has only one client, but a project can have N properties.
  • We implemented the module to import the customers from Hubspot API.
  • We show all the properties in the market. By scraping we obtain the information by cities from one provider idealista, all the properties must be stored in our database.
  • We implemented the list of Edify scrapping suppliers, initially only Idealista. Within idealista as a provider to ensure more data we have a provider by city.
  • Every X time we will launch the scrapping program during the early morning to get the data from idealista, we must have a table where we store each attempt to scrap how many we have imported, how many have entered, how many have left the status.

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